Sunbrella Astoria Lagoon

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Astoria Lagoon
Brand | Sunbrella |
Number | 56096-0000 |
Pattern | Stripe |
Repeat | 8.87 |
Selvedge | Left / Right |
Material | Acrylic - Solution Dyed |
Weight | Approx. 8.0oz per sq. yard (271 grams per sq. meter) |
bring the relaxing colors of oceans, lakes, lagoons, and rivers to your decor
Sunbrella Astoria Lagoon fabric brings the relaxing colors of oceans, lakes, lagoons, and rivers to your décor. The delicate watercolor stripes bring memories of soft sandy beaches and peaceful ?owing water, rejuvenate your senses with Astoria Lagoon. Refreshing shades of blue mingle with calming neutrals in this accent fabric, perfect for decorative cushions and pillows. Whether you have light or dark themed décor, Sunbrella Astoria Lagoon adds an updated splash of color to quench and complete every decorative palette
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